martes, 22 de enero de 2013

Unit 6


Robert: Hi, I'm Robert Chartrand.
 Bill: Hi. I'm Bill Pellowe. Nice to meet you.
Robert: Nice to meet you, too. What do you do?
Bill: I'm a university teacher. How about you?
Robert: Me too! What university do you teach at?
Bill: I teach at Kinki University. And you? Robert: Oh, I teach at Kurume University.

sábado, 12 de enero de 2013


1.- Contenidos Units 0 - 3

2.- Present Continuous

     - Interrogative / Negative / Affirmative
     - Short answers 
     - Formación (ortografia verbo + ing)
     - Oraciones present continuou + adverbios de frecuencia (sólo sexto)

3.- Verbs vocabulary

4.- There is / There are (sólo 6º)

   - Interrogative / Negative / Affirmative
   - Short answers 

5.- Vocabulary Grammar Book

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2013


1.- Present continuous

Affirmative    Interrogative    Negative   
I am eating.
Am I eating?
I am not eating.
You are eating.
Are you eating?
You are not eating.
He/She/It is eating.
Is he/she/it eating?
He/She/It is not eating.
We are eating.
Are we eating?
We are not eating.
You are eating.
Are you eating?
You are not eating.
They are eating.
Are they eating?
They are not eating.

El "Present Continuous" (Presente Continuo) lo utilizamos cuando queremos hablar de acciones que están ocurriendo "ahora" o, en un tiempo cercano a "ahora" o, que no han terminado.

Por ejemplo: Estoy comiendo (I'm eating) o, estoy leyendo un libro (I'm reading a book). En este último caso, te refieres a una acción inacabada, no a que estás leyendo el libro en el momento en que hablas.

Estructura: Sujeto + "to be" en presente + el verbo principal acabado en "ing".

Ejemplo 1: I am (I'm) working Yo estoy trabajando. Ejemplo 2: She is (She's)studying  Ella está estudiando. Ejemplo 3. It is (It's) working . Está funcionando. Ejemplo 4: They are (They're) looking  Ellos/Ellas están mirando.

2.- Reglas de Ortografia presente continuo.

1. Cuando un verbo termina en –e muda, esa –e desaparece y añadimos –ing al verbo.

Ejemplos: Argue > argu > arguing

2. Verbos acabados en –ie: la –i se convierte en –y, luego añadimos –ing al verbo.

Ejemplo: Die > dy > dying

3. Verbos monosílabos acabados en consonante + vocal + consonante doblan la última consonante.

Ejemplo: Stop > stopping

4. Verbos que acaben en –y añaden –ing sin que afecte a la ortografía del verbo.

Ejemplos: Play > playing / Study > studying

3.- Adverbios y expresiones adverbiales

Los adverbios de tiempo tales como ahora o en este momento generalmente acompañan al presente continuous.

  now, at present or at the moment 

Los adverbios de tiempo tales como siempre, a veces, nunca o expresiones adverbiales como cada dia, dos veces a la semana, los domingos, el fin de semana..suelen acompañar al present simple

ALWAYS: siempre

ALMOST ALWAYS: casi siempre

OFTEN: a menudo

USUALLY: usualmente

SOMETIMES: a veces

HARDLY EVER: casi nunca 
  NEVER: nunca

Every day, week, month..: todos los días, semanas, meses..
At the weekend: el fin de semana
Once a week: una vez a la semana
Twice a week: dos veces a la semana
On Sundays...: los domingos..

 4.-Verbs Vocabulary
eat - eating
speak - speaking
cook - cooking
start - starting
do - doing
stay - staying
fix - fixing
try - trying
take - taking
make - making
write - writing
take -taking

agree - agreeing
flee - fleeing
see - seeing
die - dying
tie - tying
lie - lying

sit - sitting
run - running
stop - stopping

offer - offering
listen - listening
visit - visiting
      prefer - preferring
begin - beginning

 5.- listening exercise



complete with the present continuous: use the gaps to the right !



Hi. This is the hall and these are my parents. Hi, Mum. Hi, Dad. Can you say hello to the camera? I'm sorry, my mum and dad are in a hurry.(1)They_______________(go) to work. This is the living room and this is my grandfather. Shh!! I'm sorry, we can't stay in here. (2) He______________.(sleep) This is my brother Andrew. Hi, Andrew. Can you say hello to the camera ?Andrew ! I'm sorry he can't hear me. (3)He _________________(play) the guitar.
My sister is in the bathroom. Can I come in, Mags? Can you say hello to the camera? I'm sorry. She can't come out. (4) She_____________(have) a shower. Well, I'm outside my house. That's my family and this is the end of my video. Goodbye.

6.-There is/ There are
- Para decir Hay en inglés usamos"There is en singular.

There is a book.
Hay un libro.
There isn't a boy.
No hay un chico.
Is there a table?
¿Hay una mesa?
- There are en plura.
There are books.
Hay libros.
There aren't boys.
No hay chicos.
Are there any tables?
¿Hay mesas?
-Las respuestas cortas se hacen así:
Is there time?
Yes, there is.
No, there isn't

Are there any children?
Yes, there are.
No, there aren't